Monday, August 16, 2010

Are you moving around inside of me now?

Hey Charlie!  So I feel this weird fluttering around in my belly the past few days... is that you?  It's still too early for me to know for sure, but it sure is fun thinking that you're swimming around in there.

Your mama's gray hairs are showing now - all six of them.  I had colored my hair right around the time I got pregnant, so I had been doing all right until the last couple of weeks.  They're right there on the top of my head in my part.  I want to pluck them, but your dad says that if I do, five will grow back in their place.  I know there are safe dyes to use and stuff, and I might check that out, but not for a while, if at all.  I don't think I really want to be throwing lots of chemicals your way just so I can not have gray hair.  I think I'm going to pluck them.  I'm also wearing headbands.  Lots of headbands.

It's getting hot again, which I hate.  I feel like I'm about to explode.  It's awful!  I'll be so glad when fall officially arrives.

Your dad's been busy since Friday putting the new sink in the bathroom.  He had to make a couple of trips to Ace and Home Depot, but it's finally coming along.  I'm supervising.  I'm also the chief cinematographer.  That means I'm taping it all.  We're going to start a folder of videos called "Getting Ready for Baby."

And last night we went down to San Diego because your Grandma Teysko was finishing up her Landmark Forum.  When you're 8 you'll get to do Landmark too.  Fun!

We're listening to Handel's Messiah.  It's not a holiday for it - I just like it :)

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