Tuesday, August 24, 2010

doppler fun

Hey Charlie!  So the at home doppler came today, but I can't hear much.  I think it's still too early.  I am pretty sure I caught your heartbeat a few times, which was awesome, but I couldn't be sure.  I'm going to try again in a few days and see if I can catch it then.  Maybe you can, you know, get your heart to beat a little louder?  If you can control that stuff?

We had Subway for lunch.  I thought I was doing a good thing getting juice instead of soda, but it turns out the juice has high fructose corn syrup too.  Does EVERYTHING have high fructose corn syrup??  Sheesh.  I'm sure the juice is still healthier.

It's been really hot, which isn't comfortable for me at all.  Plus, most of the maternity clothes I bought are for fall and winter, so I am kind of suffering at the moment.  I sure hope it cools off soon.  My tummy is getting bigger every day, it seems.  It's getting pretty pronounced, and obvious that it's pregnancy now.  I'm excited for it to really be obvious and not just look like I ate too much at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

I'm learning how to sleep on my side, so that's becoming easier.  Apparently you're growing a lot this week, too.  You've got a covering of hair, called lanugo or something like that, which is protecting your skin and keeping you warm while you're hanging out there in the amniotic fluid.  Apparently as you get some fat stored up, closer to your birth, the lanugo will fall away.  That's pretty nuts. 

Well, I hope you're having fun learning how to use your arms and legs and everything.  I'm doing what I can to make sure you're healthy and happy. 


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